Pourquoi j'aime mon papa
Regular price $12.99A heartwarming book featuring children’s own words and animal illustrations, this is the perfect book to say, “I love you, Daddy!”
Everyone’s daddy is the best. And who better to tell the world than children themselves?
This beautiful book combines endearing things said by children about their fathers with gentle illustrations of familiar animals. The text is amusing and insightful, with reasons why daddies are loved by their children ranging from ‘because he is big and strong’ to ‘because he is my best friend’.
With charming words from children all about daddies, this is the perfect book to share with Dad.
Pourquoi j'aime my maman
Regular price $12.99Featuring children's own words and heart-warming pictures, a little book which can be given by children to their mommy on mother's day or any time!
Everyone's mommy is the best. And who better to tell the world than children themselves? This charming book combines endearing things said by children about their mothers with gentle illustrations of familiar animals. This is the perfect book to share with Mom!
Je T'Aimerai Toujours
Regular price $7.95Les libraires ont vendu plus de 30 millions de copies de Je t'aimerai toujours en couverture souple et rigide.
Maintenant, nous avons une version française en édition tout-carton, imprimée sur du carton blanc et net, et légèrement réduit en taille pour les petites mains.
Pourtant, il contient chaque mot de l'original, très apprécié par des grands-parents et parents partout.
Une jeune mère tient son bébé dans ses bras. Elle chante en le berçant.
Et pendant toute sa vie, et toutes les étapes de la vie de son fils, elle le tient dans ses bras et le berce, en lui disant qu'elle l'aimera toujours.
Une maman tenait un soir son nouveau-né tendrement dans ses bras et lui chantait tout doucement cette berceuse:
Ainsi commence l'histoire qui a touché le cœur de millions des familles.
Pourquoi j'aime l'hiver
Regular price $12.99Featuring children’s own words and heart-warming pictures, this board book, this is the perfect book for children who love winter!
‘I love winter because… ‘
This charming book combines endearing things said by children about winter with gentle illustrations of familiar animals. And from making snowmen to coming home to a mug of hot chocolate, there is plenty to celebrate!
With beautiful pictures and charming words from children - this is the perfect book to read together!
French edition.
Pourquoi j'aime le hockey
Regular price $12.99The newest edition to the popular Why I Love series!
Why do children love hockey? Because they're part of a team. Because they love to cheer. Because they love to skate-and score goals! There are so many reasons. A wonderful new book featuring all-new illustrations that are sure to light up the faces of young fans.
French edition.